Thankful Heritage Museum
Copyright © Thankful Heritage, Inc. 2019-2025
Thankful Heritage Museum P.O. Box 1364 Kernersville, NC 27285 336.995.5146

Thankful Heritage Schedule of Social Events

*January 16 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday 1929 January 31 13th Amendment (US Constitution) 1865 February 1 Lunch Counter Sit-Ins 1960 *February 14 Frederick Douglass Birthday 1817 March 21 From Selma to Montgomery March 1965 *April 4 Maya Angelou Birthday 1928 *April 5 Booker T. Washington Birthday 1856 May 04 Freedom Riders 1961 May 17 Brown vs. Board of Education 1954 *May 19 Malcolm X Birthday 1925 *June11 Charlotte Hawkins Brown Birthday 1883 *June 11 Simin Green Atkins Birthday 1863 June 19 Juneteenth Celebration 1865 July 02 Civil Rights Act 1964 *July 16 Ida b. Wells Birthday 1862 July 26 Executive Order 9981 1948 Augusut 1-31 The Second Black History Month August 06 Voting Rights Act 1965 August 20 First Slaves Arrive at Jamestown, VA 1619 August 28 March on Washington 1963 September 04 Little Rock Nine 1957 September 22 Emancipation Proclamation 1862 October 16 Million Man March 1995 *October 28 Levi Coffin Birthday 1798 November 1 Crisis Magazine Collection 1910 Negro Digest Magazine Collection 1942 Ebony Magazine Collection 1945 Jet Magazine Collection 1951 December 1 Montogomery Bus Boycott 1955 *December 19 Dr. Carter G. Woodson Birthday 1875 Dec. 26 - Jan. 1 Kwanzaa Celebration *Note: Reception events with cake cutting ceremonies.