The Building Social Capital Program
Thankful Heritage Museum Workshops
NOTE: Each event attendee is also requested to bring a canned good to be donated to local ministries.
The Black Americana Collection (Community)
Over 1,000 artifacts celebrating the African American experience featuring first issues of Ebony and Jet
magazines, stamps, dolls, lunch pails, banks, books, posters, and Civil Rights artifacts.
To Form a More Perfect Union (Senior Citizens)
Celebrating the Modern Civil Rights movement by presenting “A More Perfect Union”, a tribute to 10
historic Civil Rights milestones. Remembering the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., through orations of
speech excerpts. An exhibit of Civil Rights memorabilia.
The History of Race Relations in Sports (Male Mentors)
Cockfighting, horseracing, and Mandingo slave fighting. A tribute to heavyweight boxing greats, Jack
Johnson, Joe Louis, Cassius Clay, aka Muhammad Ali, and Mike Tyson; Exhibit to feature Sports
Illustrated magazine covers, Wheaties cereal boxes, Movie posters, and other sports memorabilia.
A Tribute to African American Women (Females)
God’s greatest gift to mankind: an historic perspective of the many contributions of African American
women to the world, highlighting education, sports, entertainment, political and business leaders. Exhibit
to include a celebrity doll collection, the progression of hair care products and an Essence magazine
covers collection.
Have You Got That Vibe? (Youth, ages 13-25)
The “good” things our youth are doing in the community, village, and beyond. Success stories told by
and about our youth. Exhibit will feature the Vibe Magazine collection, 1993 - present; Hip Hop dolls,
posters, albums and books; a tribute to Tupac Shakur. Hip Hop personality Look-A-Like contest.
A Child’s World (Youth, ages 6-12)
Copyright © Thankful Heritage, Inc. 2019-2025
Thankful Heritage Museum
P.O. Box 1364
Kernersville, NC 27285